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twenty minutes from reef to reef!
Thats good time for a loaded canoe of the size of ours.
I confess I felt a mild sense of relief when we finally glimpsed Aiwa's barrier - it would be tough to have to swim on the last day of the voyage! As we cut along parallel to the windward reef we surged up & down as tremendous waves passed under us - one minute Aiwa & its green & blue lagoon were all exposed before us - the next minute completely hidden by a rising wall of deep blue water.
Finally we furled the sail, propped it out at a 45 [[degree symbol]] angle & drifted over the lee barrier. It seemed suddenly very quiet - as though a great commotion had suddenly ceased. Everyone relaxed
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lit cigarettes & began to eat cold casavas & boiled bananas. The lookout cried "Vinaka ... vinaka ..." now & then as we drifted over the shallows. There were white-caps in the lagoon proper but it looked like a mill pond to us then!
We drifted to a point on the SW side of the eastern island & landed. In less than 5 minutes I had located beautiful [[underlined]] orbitoids [[/underlined]] & then Willy & I explored the interior. A beautiful flat-bottomed basin, Ed. Cut the grass & reeds & one could ride a bicycle all over the interior! The flat lies 50 feet above sea level. Then climbed the run near our landing point - only 100' high here but very steep both to seaward & to landward.
Orbitoids in all outcrops & ls. is distinctly [[underlined]] bedded [[/underlined]]. When I descended