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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1412440L8 000.008 400 40 W0.009 53Apr 10 1914148 355 533 x12440 F/16
1412441L9 00+30.009 540 54 W+30.010 57Apr 10 1914434 582
1412442L10 000.010 580 58 W0.011 58Apr 10 1914476 624
1412443L11 00+30.011 590 59 W+30.013 04Apr 10 1914521 669
1412444L13 00+30.013 050 05 W+30.014 05Apr 10 1914564 712
1412445L12 00+60.014 062 06 W+60.015 08Apr 10 1914607 755
1412446L15 00+30.015 090 09 W+30.016 09Apr 10 1914650 798
1412447L17 00+30.016 100 50 E+30.017 05Apr 10 1914691 839
1412448L19 00+30.017 061 54 E+30.018 06Apr 10 1914731 879