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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1412907L20 000.019 550 05 E0.020 56Sep 26 1914686 849 535 x 12907 F/16
1412908L21 00+30.021 560 56 W+30.022 59Sep 26 1914934 620 x12908 Shutter was not opened by mistake. [[First line with #12908 is crossed out, with this note given]]
1412909L23 00+30.023 010 01 W+30.000 07Sep 26 1914979 665
1412910L0 00+90.000 080 08 W+90.001 08Sep 26 1914683 028 711 x 12910 Too cloudy to continue at present. Clouds came over suddenly.