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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1214142L19 00+3020 231 23 W+30.021 23Oct 11 1915646 868 514 x 14142 F/16
1214143L20 000.021 241 24 W0.022 37Oct 11 1915914 560
1214144L22 000.022 380 38 W0.023 49Oct 11 1915971 617 643
1214145L0 00+6023 470 13 E+60.000 48Oct 11 1915012 655
1214146L0 000.000 480 48 W0.001 50Oct 11 1915055 698
1214147L2 000.001 510 09 E0.002 21Oct 11 1915098 741
1214148L5 00+30.002 522 08 E+30.003 58Oct 11 1915142 785
1214149L4 000.003 590 01 E0.005 01Oct 11 1915187 830
1214150L6 00+60.005 020 58 E+60.006 02Oct 11 1915230 873
1214151L9 00+60.006 032 57 E+60.006 47Oct 11 1915265 908