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33rd and Easton Boulevard
Des Moines, Iowa.
July 10, 1938

Dear Lucile:

First about Dr. Schmitt. He has probably gone. If you can reach him you might send him the following information.

Keys to our establishment are in the hands of

Mrs. A. C. Wood, who doesn't know a great deal about the specimens, but who is very accommodating, as well as good looking, and would be willing to taxi Dr. Schmitt around. She does not have a phone, but lives on the Prado at the end nearest the Admin steps and not on the side the school is on. Her husband's name is in the phone book (office) and he would be glad to deliver a message. I am writing to her.

Alvin Johnson, who, if called, will be glad to open the door. Alvin is president of the society, but he doesn't know a great deal about the specimens, either. Call Quarry Heights, ask for Warrant Officer Johnson's quarters, and ask for Alvin.

Those are the only keys out. However, Gladys Barnard, Mrs. Paul D., Phone 4-445, knows more about the specimens, and would get the key and chauffeur.

If you will let me know the name of the yacht, I shall air mail word to these people, so that they will be on the watchout. Even if you can't communicate with Dr. Schmitt, still, they will probably be able to contact him.

Elanor Robson.

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