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3rd July 1928. A very fine day: no wind, much [[strikethrough]] wind [[/strikethrough]] sun & only two slight showers.
Down to Glen of Imaal & ascended Lugnacullis from Ballineddan, Co. WI. Many insects out about Ballineddan but spent all avaliable time on cliffs of North [[Prison?]] looking for plants, where saw three tufts of Parsley Fern discovered by J.A.J. Palmer on 23rd June last. These grow on a great square block of mica - schist in the bottom of the upper [[covy?]] a little above NE corner of "tarn" (now empty!). The three plants grow in one crack on the S. face of the rock.
Tenthredopsis blackish [[2 male symbols]] flying over bracken at Coan.
Salandria serva [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. [[female symbol]] " " [[Dittos for: flying over]] rushes " " [[Dittos for: at Coan.]]
Lissonota bellator ! [[male symbol]] ? bellator but yellow marked like [[underlined]] L. parallela [[/underlined]]!

Larvae of sawfly taken in N. Prism at ca. 2,000 ft. on [[underlined]] Lastrea dilatata [[/underlined]] sent to R.C.L.P. Probably [[underlined]] Thrinax mixta [[/underlined]] says RCLP.
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9th July 1928. Dull misty rain, very warm, after a fine morning.
Upper Glenmasmole, by the Slade Brook, Co. Du. 11 AM till 2 PM.

[[underlined]] Andrena tarsata [[/underlined]] abundant [[2 male symbols]], 1 [[female symbol]]. A great colony discovered in sandy scarp of old river channel at ca. 700 ft.

[[underlined]] A. fucata [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] faded.
[[underlined]] Halictus leucopus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] seen.
[[underlined]] Bombus agrorum [[/underlined]] & [lucorum [[/underlined]] [[2 virgin female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Crabro varius [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]], 2 [[2 female symbols]] & [[underlined]] C. dimidiatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] with [[underlined]] A. tarsata [[/underlined]] 
[[underined]] Dolerus aeneus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] [[checkmark]] RCLP
[[strikethrough]] Th [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Tenthredella balteata [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] [[checkmark]] RCLP on birch by stream.
[[underlined]] Rhogogaster viridis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] 
[[underlined]] Pachyprotasis antennata [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]] RCLP. [[female symbol]] on birch
[[underlined]] Tenthredopsis [[/underlined]] [[inornata?]] [[female symbol]] on bracken
Many larvae beaten off willows by A.A. Lisney sent to R.C.L. Perkins. Also one off [[underlined]] Vaccinium [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Pteronidea curtispina [[/underlined]] 1 larva. See RCLP. [[undelrined]] in litt. [[/underlined]] 15.XI.28.
[[underlined]] Amauronematus histrio [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]], bred by R.C.L.P. : em. March 1929.

Pimpla turionellae large [[female symbol]] on willow
Lissonota ?? [[male symbol]] long antennae.
Ophionid & queer [[male symbol]] Tryphanid taken by Lisney.
[[underlined]] Chaenon anceps [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] (spider's web: alive!)