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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1214785L13 00+30.011 101 50 E+30.012 06Apr 12 1916141 483 x 14785 F/16 624
1214786L15 00+60.012 072 53 E+60.013 09Apr 12 1916525 666
1214787L16 000.013 102 50 E0.014 09Apr 12 1916567 708
1214788L12 00+60.014 102 10 W+60.015 10Apr 12 1916609 x 14788 Too cloudy to continue at present. 750
1214789L18 00+60.016 191 41 E+60.017 19Apr 12 1916699 840
1214790L21 00+60.017 203 40 E+60.018 00Apr 12 1916734 875