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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1018416L8 00+0.009 341 34 W+0.010 35Apr 02 1919837 589 x 18417 Too cloudy to continue at present.
1018417L12 00+60.011 130 47 E+60.012 11Apr 02 1919904 646
1018418L14 00+0.012 481 12 E0.013 55Apr 02 1919974 726
1018419L15 00+30.013 561 04 E+30.014 58Apr 02 1919018 770
1018420L16 000.014 591 01 E0.015 51Apr 02 1919059 811
1018421L18 00+60.015 522 08 E+60.016 52Apr 02 1919098 850
1018422L21 00+30.016 534 07 E+60.017 47Apr 02 1919139 891