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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1620129L1 00+45.005 064 06 W+45.006 04Dec 14 1920.698
1620130L5 00+45.007 322 32 W+45.008 32Dec 14 1920.800 x Too cloudy to continue at present.
1620131L7 000.009 042 04 W0.010 08Dec 14 1920.865 x Too cloudy to continue at present.
1620132L9 00+45.010 121 12 W+45.011 16Dec 14 1920.910
1620133L15 000.011 223 38 E0.012 05Dec 14 1920.953