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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
707421Ecl. Jup. Sat.02 373 07 E+18.002 52Jan 14 1895x 7421 Chron. Comp. Ballon B & C 6 46 00 6 47 46 6 47 00 6 48 46 Re. Jup III (6 48) began at 6 49 by chron. and using new mechanism turned dec. slow motion giving exposures of 10s each for 15-1/2 min. There are only 90 images, instead of 93. Drum slipped by two notches several times, but exposures were only 10s long. Exposures of 10s for 1 min with large and apertures. Clouds prevented using small aperture. Chron Comp. Ballon B & C 7 43 00 7 44 45 7 44 00 7 45 45