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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
767439Ecl Jup Sat04 051 44 E+23.904 31Jan 19 1895x 7439 Chronometer Comparison. B 394 7 36 0.0 37 0.0. B&C 1182 7 38 06.0 39 05.8. Ecl. Jup. Sat. I (Re) 7h 56m. Began by Chron at 7 56. At 7 59 10 apparatus jumped two pins so that after test time the long break occurred at 50s. Closed by Chron at 8 08 Exp. put on with both apertures. Bored 394 = 0.2s slow.
767440α Androm04 524 49 W+45.305 21Jan 19 1895x 7440 Comparison of spectra α Androm nearest Box No. β Geminorum nearest Plate No.
767440β Gem05 292 09 E+11.405 46Jan 19 1895x 7440 Comparison of spectra α Androm nearest Box No. β Geminorum nearest Plate No.
767441HP 2264-513 20+55.406 037 46 E+38.607 09Jan 19 1895x 7441 At 6 25 RA - 1 Rev. Dec + 1 Rev. Comparison of Chron. B 394 9 55 0.0 9 56 0.0 B&C 1182 9 57 05.5 58 05.5.