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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
169257Ecl Jup Sat II13 204 45 W+19.314 20Jun 02 1896x 9257 Ecl Jup Sat IV 9h 06 (Dis.) 10 pin drum with 1m signals for B 394. Began with Large Aperture. B 394 8 18 1st movement. 8 20 1st long break. 8 28 Last movement with large aperture. 8 30 1st movement with small aperture & long break. 8 40 Last movement with sm. aperture. 8 44 1st movement with full aperture. 8 49 Stuck. Started a few sec late. 8 52 RA -1/2 rev. 9 03 Found drum stuck on 8th pin. Set it up to 3rd pin. 9 04 4th pin. 9 10 Long break. 9 17 7th pin & last movement. Cor. (for B 394) = +0.6s.
169258Wells Var20 33+17.914 435 50 E+17.916 19Jun 02 1896x 9258 Var Star App 10 pin drum 5m Signal from commutator from B 394 (8s breaks in circuit). Load was changed from 4g to 0 a few minutes after exposure. (over)
169259BD +17° 436720 33+17.916 294 04 E+17.918 20Jun 02 1896
169260BD +17° 436720 33+17.918 222 11 E+17.919 46Jun 02 1896
169261BD +17° 436720 33+17.919 480 45 E+17.919 58Jun 02 1896
169262BD +17° 436720 33+17.919 590 34 E+17.920 09Jun 02 1896