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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Arrive in Baltimore about 7.30. Take break-fast at Rennerts Hotel cor. Liberty Street. Take the Washington cars at 8.40 stand up most of the way. Get to Washington about 10 oclock and go to Ulkes to have my photo taken, then over to the Smithsonian where I meet Prof. Baird, J.T. Rothrock, Henry Elliot and Bannister. Work on birds & eggs. Afternoon talk with Gill, and go over to Prof. Bairds. Evening talk with Mr. Meek and Prof. Gill, and write home and to Uncle Austin, and tired and worried to bed. N.B. talk with Prof. Gill till 12. He is extremely longheaded.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 12 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. go over with the boys to Mr Quinn's to breakfast. about 10.40 oclock go over to Dr Channings where I hear a fine sermon, poorly delivered on the Convention for a Broad Church, in New York. In consideration of matters, & things and of their poverty give five dollars. Perhaps this was ostentatious? but its the last time I shall have the chance for two years. Afternoon rec'd a kind letter from Uncle Wm. incl. $50.00 Shall try to go to Baltimore tomorrow night. Write read and talk in the afternoon and call on Prof. Henry, who looks hale & pleasant.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 13 [[/preprinted]]
Morning work on birds eggs of R. M Farlanes' collecting at Fort Anderson H.B.T. Unpacked over 800 eggs of Lagopus albus!! Talk with Dr. Brewer and Maynard pitches in and helps. Write for Kennicott &c. Afternoon, try to get the 4.30 train for Baltimore but being detained to write for Mr. K. miss it. Come back & get dinner, and go to Post Office and Prof. Bairds house where I see the paintings for Dr Brewers plates. K. off for New York. Henry Elliot hears from Hatheway and some trouble between them and K.

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning work on birds, eggs and shells, unpacking Also correct register of gulls and ducks. Start at 4.30 for Baltimore, and arrive at 6.35. Go to 72 Cathedral Street where Uncle Austin used to live, but find him gone into the country. Take the Pennsylvania Avenue cars for Springvale. Arrive at about 7.10. Meet Mr. Atkinson, Aunt Louie and the children after tea go over to Mr. Whitridges. Grandma & Aunt Henrietta are there, and Uncle Tom comes in about 10.30. Talk with him till 12. and sleep there.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 15 [[/preprinted]]
Off to Washington after breakfast. Ride to Depot with Mr. Atkinson. Start at 8.30 go to Ulkes but photos not yet done. Over to the S.I. Get off the alcohol cans, and make arrangements with Solomon for a set of the P.R.R. Reps except Vol.I. Mexican Boundary, and Ives Colorado. $27.50 Storage number 1921. K. in from N.Y. at noon. Start for Baltimore at 430. Find all the family at Aunt Henriettas when we take tea. Uncle Joe gives me letters to San Francisco. Mamie Dall has grown and improved wonderfully. Go over to Springvale to sleep. Willard L. Felt is 19 Maiden Lane, N.Y. Shall probably be off to N.Y. tomorrow.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 16 [[/preprinted]]
Ride down to the train, with Mr. Atkinson, and leave at 8.30 for Washington. Goodbye Baltimore. Now for a two years fight! Arrive at Smn. copy plans for K. and make ready to leave for New York by the 7.30 train. Write & talk. Leave for New York at 7.30. buy on the way down a copy of the V.S. Astronomical Ex. to South America. for $5.00. The Baltimore and Ohio Road is the most unaccommodating line I know of providing no seats in the depot for gentlemen and not allowing them in the ladies room Had to stand a half hour waiting for the train Off at last.

Transcription Notes:
[[preprinted]] markup needs correcting. Am going through & opening pages that need additional minor edits. The person transcribing is doing a great job. J. T. Rothrock =