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[[preprinted]]MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1865[[/preprinted]]
Morning, Write out with care the accounts of the Slopchest for Chappell, with Black. Spend most of the morning and part of the afternoon at it and get it finally finished. Go up town, call at the Captains but find all out. Go to the office leave a/c with Chappell, get shells, bundles, + books go into Stearns office, who is sorting a large quantity of Monterey shells and back to dinner. Evening to the Acad. meeting, am elected resident member, and appointed on committee to draught resolutions in regard to the death of Dr B. Present by title, a memorial article on him

[[preprinted]]TUESDAY 19[[/preprinted]]
Morning after breakfast, set to work and make a lot of paper tubes to stow shells away in. After lunch go up town with Mr. Black, stop at the Captains house. He will [[underline]]not[[/underline]] probably come aboard to live. Conlin left by this steamer, Dr. Fisher and Smith by the next probably, Go to the office get boots and go in to Stearns office who is sorting over a lot of Monterey shells. Back to dinner, and work at shells till evening when I go up town to Mrs. de Ros, where I meet Miss Nettie Ritchie + Chas. de Ro, and Mrs. Ladd. Back to vessel + work on shells

[[preprinted]]WEDNESDAY 20[[/preprinted]]
Morning, In the mornig get some paint and paint the chest in which the Scientific material is stowed. Clean myself up afterward. Deliver the mem. of the land forces' a/c to Capt. Scammon, go up to the office with him. Go and call on Dr. Kellogg, with Leborn. Up to the Geological Survey rooms, meet Cooper, talk + lunch with him. See Stearns arrange for a talk over Ac. matters with Bolander, Hubbard and Kellogg tomorrow night Back to dinner and in the Evening go up to eleventh street, call on Mrs Bridges + get materials for memorial.

[[preprinted]]THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1865[[/preprinted]]
Morning walk up town with Everett Smith, Go into Stearns office and mount a number of specimens of Monterey shells on cards for identification and reference. Go down to old Robison and get some rare shells. lunch with Stearns; Survey Rooms closed, up to his office. Tell Col. Bulkley about Bridges' plants. down to the Survery Rooms, with Dr. Cooper identify the mounted shells and obtain a lot of Cala. shells from him. Back to vessel, get lamp and call on the Captain by the way Evening at Stearns office, with Prof. Whitney, Stearns and Bolander discuss Academy affairs and election of officers

[[preprinted]]FRIDAY 22[[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get bones of fur seal out of the barrel and put into a bag for transportation. Capt. S. comes down and speak to him about hasps and padlocks for chest. Go out to Mrs. Bridges' and work over the chilian and Bolivian plants, finding most of them in good condition. Take lunch there and come down about three to town. Get top for lamp and go aboard After dinner write and put things in order and go up town with Black, leave card at Miss Coates, and call at the Consuls where Olga is finally down again after her painful illness, as pretty as ever. Back to ship at ten.

[[preprinted]]SATURDAY 23[[/preprinted]]
Morning, Look to packing of shells +c for transportation, about ten start up town and go out to Mrs. Bridges' and look over the rest of the plants. Stay to lunch and go down town looking for button covers books +c. Every thing is gay and the preparations for Christmas are very numerous. Go down to dinner on board and work on shells till seven when I brush up and goup to Stearns' with a box of un-named shells. to identify. Remain all night there