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[[underline]] Geh [[/underline]] is a small piece of concave wood stained black and represents devils.

[[underline]] Beh [[/underline]] is a small piece of natural wood.  If a man "spoils the law" you put a certain leaf on the Beh and the man becomes as dry as a stick.  No doctor can cure him.

[[underline]] Noh [[/underline]] is a bracelet of iron or leather with medicine inside.  This is put on the arm before catching a snake.

[[underline]] We, [[/underline]] a boat-shaped piece of clay, is medicine for me to punish anyone who doesn't agree with me.  It causes severe pain in the back.

[[underline]] Flee [[/underline]] is a miniature of the forked stick and hook, tied together with a couple of feathers.  This is carried as a message from the society, usually as notice of a meeting.  A piece of red cloth attached means "urgent".  If you can't go, you should send a gift.

A horn with medicine inside means lightning; it can send lightning as a punishment, or prevent lightning from striking.

A clay representation of three small houses, all in one, symbolizes the unity of the society

[[underline]] Bakuna [[/underline]] is the horn of the harnessed antelope, filled with the medicine that was rubbed on the palm of our left hand to prevent snakes from coming near us.  The horn is decorated with cowrie shells and dudu (cuckoo) feathers - the latter because the dudu bird eats snakes.

[[underline]] Gentah [[/underline]] is a dry twig and signifies a long palaver.

[[underline]] Sinadi kokadi, [[/underline]] two pieces of chalk and leaves, solves your troubles when you are far away.

[[underline]] Kawdia [[/underline]] is J's name, and the symbol a woman's head with clay back and wood front, a feather head dress, but no cowrie shell eyes.

[[underline]] Yazia [[/underline]] is the society watchman

If at the society dinner, a member breaks a chicken bone, he must bring another chicken.

From the first snake that you catch, remove the teeth (fangs) and imbed them in a piece of wood to make a [[underline]] maisong [[/underline]].  If you want to punish a lawbreaker, put the maisong on the floor where the man will step on it, and he will die.  We are told that when the fangs grew back in the snake, a special medicine was put in the snake's mouth, rendering the new fangs harmless.

In case of snake bite, one is supposed to take 4 needles, 4 gambles (cowrie shells) and one white plate to the medicine man.  If after being cured, you don't pay, he burns a piece of twine, sticks and a needle in some wood, and the snake poisoning returns to you.

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