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Course from Markas to Cathlapoottle R..
[[line across the page]]

[[image: Hand drawn maps of the trip from the plain of Markas to the Cathlapootle River. They each feature a brown line from the top to the bottom of the map with various features and place names indicated. The page is split into two columns by a vertical line showing north to be at the top of the page; the left column has 2 maps, separated by a line across the column and the right column is taken up with a single map. ]]

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July 30th. Yesterday was busied with preparation about the camp & did not go out to collect. Obtained two striped snakes very similar to those caught at the last camp.
Today caught a species of Shrew which is preserved in alcohol. Also three lizards which I found under stones in a corner of the prairie but have not observed elsewhere. This plain seems to have been caused by fires as there are smal mounds scattered over it, the remains of stumps & logs. Some of these praires are due to the long continuance of water on them in the rainy season, preventing the growth of trees. Along the borders of this prarie & on every elevation is a thick growth of Fern (Pteris) higher than a mans head & these places are completely undermined by Gophers their burrows resembling those of the marmot. On this prairie grows a species of Elder resembling the S. Canadensis [[(?]] in the corymbose white flowers but with more serrated & glabrous leaves the S. glabra of Fl. of N.A. mentioned as doubtful & with blue fruit—