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Aug 29th  Yesterday I walked & rode for some hours but obtained only a few plants of commons species- To-day Capt. Mc.C. returned from the mountains & reports the country very difficult. A large rattlesnake was killed by his party but not preserved- He saw also a species of marmot abundant on the mts. 

Aug 30th  Shot a Crotalus lucifer near the camp & preserved its head the rest of it being too much injured.
Obtained several specimens of Unio which are eaten by the natives- All appear to be of one species- Weather continues very hot- 

[[underlined]] Aug 31st [[/underlined]] About sunset the sky became covered with heavy clouds & a storm set in from the west with a high wind & thunder & lightning in the east. Rain driving but not heavy About noon today it stopped & began to clear
Lt. Duncan returned soon after having visited several lakes in the Mts toward the N.W. the source of the main branch of the Yakima. He brought me a shrew (in Alcohol) which was caught swimming actively under 2 ft. waters  
He found trout & a "sucker" abundant- 
Mr Gibbs returned about sunset having gone to the mouth of the Yakima & returned in 2 1/2 days by a shorter route-

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[[underlined]] Sept. 1st [[/underlined]] Capt. McClellan having determined to reduce the party & train to the least number on account of the failing of a large number of the pack animals and it being impossible to obtain others here & at Pugets-Sound - today the preparations are being made to send to the Dalles all the soldiers and other supernumerary persons & some baggage. 
I have determined to send by the same train all my alcoholic collections & skins hitherto obtained to care of Dr. Benson at Ft. Vancouver- All the alcohol having leaked out of one can & part from the other I am left without any & shall have to try Goodbys Solution. Obtained no specimens to day-

Sept 2nd  Walked for several miles around the valley but obtained no specimens except two snakes one of them not before noticed 
Lt. Moury left with the escort &c for the Dalles - sent by him for some alcohol. 

[[underlined]] Sept. 3d [[/underlined]] Went 14 1/4 miles to the main branch of the Yakima crossing a high range of hills from which three snow[[ed?]] peaks are visible in clear weather. Saw many sage fowl on these hills & two were shot by the party-