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to Wenass River - 
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Sunday Sept. 11th  A chief of the tribe residing here names "Ouhi'" visited us with several of his nation. Some of these are tall well formed men, looking better in health & constitution than the tribes nearer the settlements - They report that gold is found on a river about 2 days journey from here & one man has a large piece mixed with quartz worth perhaps $15 but which he will not sell for any amount - 

Sept. 12th Capt. McC. & party returned from a tour to the lakes having left on the 4th - Mr Gibbs brought a species of sucker's skin - a fish common in these lakes & he thinks also at Astoria.  He saw there the Picus imperialis? as I suppose from description but could not get a specimen.

Sept. 13th  Rode 15 miles up the river & back, but got no specimens. The forest begins about 10 miles up, on the hill. Saw there Stellers jay again.
Sept. 14th Obtained from the Indians the specimens of fish preserved.  Two large trouts evidently of different species. The 1st is the same as specimens before obtained & is caught near Astoria.