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[[underlined]] Novr 14th [[/underlined]]  Continued down the Columbia crossing the Falls River about noon 11.m. & camped on a small stream [[strikethrough]] about 5 miles [[/strikethrough]] beyond it. Observed on the hill sides here, small mounds standing close together as if the remains of trees burnt down- They were about 10 ft wide and 3 high- No trees exist now on these hills but the Pine forest commences again at the Dalles

[[underlined]] Novr 15th [[/underlined]]  Proceeded on for 9 1/4 miles to the Dalles & encamped near there  
Here is a level basaltic Plain through which the Columbia flows making a very narrow channel-  The hills around are covered with scattered Pine trees & small oaks, on their sides both of the species before seen-

[[underlined]] Novr 16th [[/underlined]]  Remained all day in camp 
Heard at night numbers of Cayotes & wolves howling around the hills- 
Noticed the meadow lark & flicker remaining here for the winter. A warm spring issues from the hillside near by, having the temperature of about 45[[degree symbol]]. Weather this morning very cold & a white frost fallen  
Sky became clouded during the day & the air warmer & a more pleasant

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Novr. 17th  Left the Dalles in a small steamboat and arrived at the Cascades of the Columbia about 8 1/2 P.M. 45 miles 
This region is well described by Fremont in the journal of his 2nd exped. 
It rained as soon as we entered the mountains about 10 miles down, while a clear sky could still be seen Eastward. Rain continued all day & the air was foggy- At the Cascades is a slide of land on the south side which is supposed to have turned the river from its old course & produced these falls
Novr 18th  After transporting around the falls for 2 miles distance embarked in row boats at 3.35 P.M & arrived at Vancouver about 12 1/2 AM. 19th 
Rain continued all the time but here the air is much warmer than eastward  
There has been only slight frost here.  
I noticed at the Cascades strawberries in blossom and also a species of [[Gensen?]] 
The mountains are highest there & gradually diminish in descending the River, covered with Pines & spruces all the way, willows & Poplars growing along the banks of the River-