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62 Fort Vancouver
Novr 30th Have remained at Vancouver since last date preparing specimens the send off &c It has rained almost every day but been warm. Notice about here Stellers jay, Harris woodpecker many ducks geese & brant On the way to Portland saw the two common squirrel Obtained a specimen of Sialia Oceidnit These birds are now about in flocks resembling the S. Wilsonii] in habits notes &c Saw also a shrike (L. borealis). 
[[underlined]] Decr 14th [[/underlined]] Left Vancouver & went to Portland by land Sent off by the steamer of 12th all my collections up to date. Have noticed nothing new lately all the birds appear to remain as at the last date except some of the water-birds. Weather mild & rainy - Several flowers continue in bloom 
Dec 17th Went up to Oregon City - Noticed the Arbutus Merziesii or hawk Saw a few ducks & loons. 
18th Found a salamander crawling out
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Decr 24th Left. O. City & returned to Portland Yesterday was a slight fall of snow which melted of very soon The river is now full of Cormorants but very few other water birds seen. The Golden Eye & Buffel headed ducks are the commonest. 
Decr 25th Returned to Vancouver to-day Weather warm & raining
Dec 29th Walked out with gun & got the specimens mentioned in the Catalogue, some were so fat as to be hardly skinned. The other species were common in flocks since my return in Nov. except the Wren which is commonly solitary. This and the first seem to be permanent residents. Obtained yesterday some Plamokis shells which are abundant in the lakes but have no companion Also a smooth Helix such appears to be a full grown species. 
Dec 30th Obtained the two nutcrackers men tired in catalogue a male & female 
Decr 31st Shot a woodpecker of the species got on Spokan Plains It is very common here now. ([[G. Havrisii]]).