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98 Cape Shoalwater-
Sept 26th  Crossed with Mr B. to the Cape arriving at W--s house about dark --
Noticed on the way a white & mottled duck which flew away rapidly, also some cormorants & Pelicans-- Salmon & other fish are jumping continually. Saw no new kinds of birds at the Point-- 
[[underlined]] Sept 27th [[/underlined]] Remained at W-s house. Morning rainy- P.M. went across to the Cape shot 2 Pigeons & a grouse. Caught a large number of Fish (Cathus No 7) which bit at salt salmon etc. Also obtained some [[Eutainae concimina?]] & [[Helices?]]
Sept 28th Walked round Sandy Point to hunt deer but saw none Tracks are abundant. Returning shot two [[underlined]] Snipe [[/underlined]] & a Marsh wren which was spoiled. Fringilla_? & F. [[leucaphry?]] abundant- 
Sept 29th Last evening hunted deer by moonlight but did not see though I heard some run off. Saw a [[Sturnolla?]] & several [[Pipilo Oregonus?]]-- Started at flood tide & returned to Capt. R--s. 
Washed out with a small pan a good prospect of fine gold near the Cape. 
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[[underlined]] Oct. 5th [[/underlined]] Went up the Willopa as far as Capt V--s & returned the same day. Obtained the specimens in Catal. The Podiceps is the first of the species I have seen. It was swimming along the edge of the river & dove at my first shot which cut its bill as I observed when it rose, for it did not fly but trusted entirely to diving-- Its stomach contained only a thread like weed. The gull was common among other since the middle of last month. Saw on our return great flocks of Pelicans sitting on the flats but I could shoot none. Wind south, weather very squally with showers but as usual calm at sunset. 
[[underlined]] Oct 11th [[/underlined]] Have remained at home since last date. The [[Prius?]] shot on 9th is the first I have seen & the other is rare.  Their habits seem to resemble closely those of P. [[Harrison?]]  Weather delightful with N.E. wind & little clouds flying --
Had two heavy white frosts on the nights of the 7th & the 8th but they did not injure vegetables here-  Most of the seabirds leave the Bay on fine days so that I can get but few of them-