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Oct. 24th Have been up the Kerskilch[[guess]] fishing for trout & caught a few of them - Noticed Gars, Canadensis in small families very familiar & coming down on the boat to steal salmon roe - Also abundance of the Mergansers with redheads, about the bay & river. Returning saw a large white necked grebe besides plenty of brant &c 
The weather which has threatened rain some time past tonight became stormy with a high S.W. wind

[[underlined]] Oct 30th [[/underlined]] Since last date we have had a storm for three days but it has now cleared off finely with a NE wind - Crossed over alone to the Cape and walked to the beach which is very wide at low tide - Near it the sand hills are covered by fine grass forming ridges which run parallel towards the N. W. The hills here being about two miles from the sea - Saw no birds on the weather beach - Went to the lake where I shot a white face goose, Shoveller & widgeon besides the specimens in Catal - Noticed a bird resembling the Coot among the cattails & reeds
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Oct 31st Crossed over last night to Sandy Point. This morning shot three Brant, two Hawks &c  Noticed large flocks of Meadowlarks, which were singing beautifully. Fired at a large blackish hawk. Returned about noon to Capt. R-s.
Nov 1st  The sparrow Owl is a diurnal & in flight resembles closely the sparrow for which I at first mistook it - The Gulls shot on 30th differ in size 2 inches but in color only is the smaller being pure white on head and tail - 

Nov 10th  Crossed over to the Cape & walked some distance around the lake &c.  Saw the bird seen Oct 31st (coot) which ran rapidly through the cattails & flew heavily a short distance so I could not get a shot. It is as large as a small hen & makes a shrill squeak

Nov. 11. Remained all night on the Point. At daylight went to hunt deer but saw none. Shot two white face geese After bk'fst crossed over to Sandy Pt. & walked about some time but got nothing. In the Evening rowed across to the house. Weather since 1st mostly very fine with NE wind and some clouds.