Viewing page 64 of 78

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122   Name   Dimensi.   Colors   etc
Date    B. & L.   R. & F.   P. & M.    &c.
Feb 2  Tur. migrat [[insert]] 24 [[/insert]] 10 3/4 - 16 I. brown bill yellow
" [[ditto for: Feb]] 4  Parus rufese [[insert]] 25 [[/insert]] 4 1/2 - 7 1/2 " " [[ditto for: I. brown]] legs slate blue
" [[ditto for: Feb]] 3  Athene Acadica  [[insert]] 26 [[/insert]]  " [[ditto for: I.]] yellow  bill yellow
" [[ditto for: Feb]] 12 Lan. Boreal  [[insert]] 27 [[/insert]] 10 - 14 1/4  " [[ditto for: I.]] brown  bill & ft. black
[[wavy underline]] Nos 57  Sent off to Prof Baird Feby 15th [[/wavy underline]]
Feb 18  Hal leucoph [[insert]] 52 [[/insert]]  33 - 79  Iris & feet yellow &c ^[[M]]
" [[ditto for: Feb]] 27 " " [[Ditto for: Hal leucoph]] (young) [[insert]] 53 [[/insert]]  37 - 87 1/2  " [[ditto for: Iris]] brown cere &c grn blk.
Mch 2  2 Tringa [[insert]] 54 [[/insert]] 9(8 1/2) - 16(1/2) "  " [[dittos for: Iris brown]] feet & bill blk
"  " [[dittos for: Mch 2]]  2 Tring. aran [[insert]] 55 [[/insert]]  8 - 15 1/2 "  "  "  "  "  " [[dittos for: Iris brown  feet & bill blk
"  " [[dittos for: Mch 2]]  Fulig. pespic [[insert]] 56 [[/insert]]  21 1/2 - 38  " [[ditto for: Iris]] Pale gray feet bk & Purp
" [[ditto for: Mch]] 4  Curvis. Amer. [[insert]] 57 [[/insert]]  6 - 10 1/2  I, bill & feet dark brown
"  " [[dittos for: Mch 4]] 2 "  "  [[dittos for: Curvis. Amer.]] [[insert]] 58 [[/insert]] 5 3/4 - 10 1/4 I. "  "  "  "  "  [[dittos for: & feet dark brown]] F
"  [[ditto for Mch]] 9  Fulig. persp. [[insert]] 59 [[\insert]] 21 1/4 - 38  "  "  [[dittos for I. bill]] brn. ft. blk & Pu.
"  "  [[dittos for Mch 9]] Anacs crecea [[insert]] 60 [[[\insert]] 15 - 24 1/4  "  "  "  "  [[dittos for I. bill brn. ft.]] pale gray
"  [[ditto for Mch]] 10 Garr Can. [[insert]] 61 [[\insert]] 10 1/2 - 16 3/4  "" "" "" "" [[dittos for I. bill brn. ft.]] & bill black
"  "  [[dittos for Mch 10]] 1 "  "  [[dittos for Garr Can.]] 10 1/2 - 16 1/2 "  "  "  "  "  [[dittos for I. bill brn. ft. & bill black]]
"  [[ditto for Mch]] 21 Buteo boreal. [[insert]] 62 [[\insert]]  22-48  "  [[ditto for I.]] brown bill gray -
"  [[ditto for Mch]] 22 Falco Bereg. [[insert]] 63 [[\insert]] 17 1/4 - 39 1/2 "  "  "  [[dittos for I. brown bill]] whtsh gray M
"  "  [[dittos for Mch 22]] Larus [[insert]] 64 [[\insert]] 22.1/2 - 52 "  [ditto for I.]] Dk. brown B & F gray
Apr. 13 Linuss. Huds. [[insert]] 65 [[\insert]]] 18 1/2 - 31  "  "  "  "  "  "  [[dittos for I. Dk. brown B & F]] blk
"  [[ditto for Apr]] 28 Fulig velvet [[insert]] 66 [[\insert]] 20-33  "  [[ditto for I.]] white "  [[ditto for B]] &c various
May 3 Scolop. Noves  16 3/4 - 19 "  [[ditto for I.]] brown bill & F olive
"  "  [[dittos for May 3]] Tring. alpina [[insert]] 68 [[\insert]] 8 1/2 - 15 1/4  "  "  "  "  [[dittos for I. brown bill & F]] black M
"  "  [[dittos for May 3]] 2 "  [[ditto for Tring.]] pensulla [[insert]] 69 [[\insert]] 7 1/2 - 12 1/2 "  "  "  "  "  [[dittos for I. brown bill & F black]] F
"  "  [[dittos for May 3]] Charad. soma [[insert]] 70 [[\insert]] 7 - 15(1/2) "  "  [[dittos for I. brown]] Bill bk & Or. ft bk
"  [[ditto for May]] Larus Occid 67 head

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Name Dim Colors etc
Date  L & B  R. & F.  P &c   M &c

May 9 Totanus [[insert]] 71 [[\insert]] (in 3) 16 3/4 - 26 1/2 I. brn, legs dull yell. M
[[dittos for May 9 Totanus]] [[insert]] 72 [[\insert]] 11 1/2 - 21 1/2 [[dittos for I. brn, legs dull]] Fem.
[[dittos for May 9]] Lobe'ss hypcrb [[insert]] * [[\insert]] 7 1/2 (8) - 13 1/2 (14 [[dittos for I. brn, legs]] slate blue
[[ditto for May]] 15 Fring. (in 3) [[insert]] 73* [[\insert]] 6 1/8 - 9 1/4 I. brown Ft brn white M & F
[[ditto for May]] 17 Strep. Intersp [[insert]] 74 [[\insert]] 9 - 18 3/4 (head only)
[[ditto for May]] 22 Trogl. hyem [[insert]] 75 [[\insert]] 4 1/2 - 5 1/4 I brown H. brn'sh yell.
[[ditto for May]] 23 Fringa aren 8 - 15 [[dittos for I brown]] Bill & Ft. black
[[ditto for May]] 31 Hirund breal [[insert]] 76 [[\insert]] 5 - 10 1/2 [[dittos for I brown Bill]] & Ft lighter M
[[dittos for May 31]] Triz. [[?Ystnat.]] [[insert]] 77 [[\insert]] 12 1/4 - 8 [[dittos for I brown Bill & Ft lighter M]]
June 2 Frogl. Bewisk. 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 [[dittos for I brown Bill & Ft lighter]] M
[[ditto for June]] 4 Tur. ustul 7 1/4 - 11 3/4 [[dittos for I brown Bill & Ft lighter]] M
[[ditto for June]] 8 Tot. macul. [[insert]] 78 [[\insert]] 7 1/8 - 13 1/4 [[dittos for I brown]] B. yell & bk F. [[?Flsh]]
[[ditto for June]] 10 Fring. lencoph [[insert]] 79 [[\insert]] 6 1/4 - 9 [[dittos for I brown]] B. yell ft. pale yell M
[[dittos for June 10]] Strex cinerea [[insert]] 80 [[\insert]] 25 - 56 [[ditto for I]] Yellow B. brn & ye F
[[ditto for June]] 12 Hirum. scrrya [[insert]] 81 [[\insert]] 5 5/8 - 12 1/2 [[ditto for I]] brown [[ditto for B]] & ft. blk M
[[ditto for June]] 16
[[ditto for June]] 20 Muscic. Min [[insert]] 82 [[\insert]] 5 1/4 - 8 1/2 [[dittos for I brown B & ft.]] blk F
[[dittos for June 20 Muscic.]] Coop. [[insert]] 83 [[\insert]] 7 1/4 - 13 [[ditto for I]] brn [[ditto for B]] Bk & g. ft. bk
[[dittos for June 20.]] Fring lena. 6 5/8 - 9 3/8 as above
July 4th Muscic. puril [[insert]] 84 [[\insert]] 5 1/2 - 8 1/2 I brn B. bk & fl. [[ditto for B.]] blk M
[[ditto for July]] 6th Fring. gutt. [[insert]] 85 [[\insert]] 6 3/4 - 8 3/4 [[dittos for I brn B.]] brush ft brown M
- over -
Sept 20 Trugh. pal. 6 3/4 - 5 B & ft gray flesh. color
Oct 9th Cuth. Amer 5 1/2 - 7 1/2 [[ditto for B]] pale brownish white
not preserved
* Inn 4 [[illegible]]

Transcription Notes:
All best guess. need to check species, etc.