Viewing page 66 of 78

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[[page divided into five columns]]
Date         |         L & B.    |   R & F          |  P &c     |  M &c     
Oct 12           Linar. pin [[insert]] 107 [[/insert]]       5 1/4 - 8 1/2     I.   brn B & F  gry brn

 " [[ditto for Oct]] 18        Fring gutt.       6 3/4 - 8 1/2     " "  [[dittos for I. brn B. brn & pale Ft. brn

 " [[ditto for Oct]] 30   Lar. oceid [[insert]] 108 [[/insert]]      24(5)  - 51(5)1   Gray  " [[ditto for I. " [[ditto for B.]] Y &c ft flesh col

 " [[ditto for Oct]] 31    Archik Lag [[insert]] 109 [[/insert]]   22(3) - 52(0)     I. brown B slate &Y y Ftg.

 "  " [[ditto]] for Oct 31 [[/insert]]   Trog palust [[insert]] 110 [[/insert]]  5 1/4 - 6 3/4   " [[ditto for I.]]   brn - Bill & Ft. brown

Nov 1  Surn passer [[insert]] 111 [[/insert]] 7 1/2 - 14  " [[ditto for I. Yell.   "  "  " [[dittos for bill & H]] paler

 " [[ditto for Nov]] 18     20 Lan. bor. [[insert]] (27) [[/insert]]    10 3/4 - 14 1/2   "  [[ditto for I.]]  brn     " [[ditto for B.]] brn & bk Ft. blk

 " [[ditto for Nov]] 19  [[begin bracket]] Curvir. Am        6 1/2 - 11  "  " " [[dittos for I. Brn B. & ft darker  M

 "   "  [[dittos for Curvir. Am]]  6 - 10 1/2  " [[ditto for brn?]] not preserved        F

 "  [[ditto for Nov]] 21  Ans. albif. [[insert]] 112 [[/insert]]  (Head) I.  brn. B. flsh. & y. Ft. or                                                 

 " [[ditto for Nov]] 25    Mergul. 2? [[insert]] 113 [[/insert]]  10 1/2 - 18 1/4   " [[ditto for I.  brn. B. & Ft. bk & w.

 "  "  [[dittos for Nov 25]]     Phal. Snip  [[insert]] 114 [[/insert]]    8 3/4 - 16   "  " [[dittos for I. brn.]]  B. Bk. br & Y

 " [[ditto for Nov]] 28  Sent to Washington - by Express 
[[wavy line across page]]

 " [[ditto for Nov]] 29       Linar. min  [[insert]] 115 [[/insert]]      5 1/4 - 9   " [[ditto for I.]]  brn. B. yel Ft blk

Dec  6  Lar' Occ Yo'g     23 - ✓ 54  " [[ditto for I.]]   dk brn B bk Ft brnish

 " [[ditto for Dec]]  7   ✓ 1 Col. bor. " [[insert]] 117 [[/insert]]  20 - 30    " [[ditto for I.]]   blood R. bill &c p. bl. & Bk

 "   "  [[dittos for Dec 7]]   ✓ 1 Diom. nig.  [[insert]] 118 [[/insert]]     31 1/2✓ - 85  " [[ditto for I.]]   brown bill bk & purp    " bk
       tail 6. wing 20

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Date   Plants collected 1854

1   Mch 15    Nardosmia palmata Compositae          W 2 ft.
2    "  20    Salix Sevaleriana Ban Salicaecae      Y 15
3    "   "    Alnus Oregonus Amentaceae [[Pu'y?]]     40
4    "  25    Dentaria tenella? Cruciferae     W. wds. 1/2
8   Apr 1st   Trillium grandiflor              W   "   2
9    "   "    Ribes laxiflorum Ph Grossulariaceae   Gr Pu 8.
10            Rubus spectabilis Rosacea       [[?]] wds
5   Mch 26     Ribes sanguineum Grossulariaceae  R. mts
6    "   "     Synthysis semiformis B? with Bl.     prairie
7    "   "     Nuttallia cerasiformis  [[Berberis?]]   "    10 W

[[line indicating that April continues here]]

11  Apr  8     Dicentra pagmosa Furnariae         Pn wds 1
12   "   "     Simplocarp Komorth Shat Aroideae   Y swamps 1
13   "  13     Viola canina (2 var.) Violacea     Bl. prrs
               Pinus contorta Coniferae         30 sandy wds
14   "  21     Fragaria chilensis Rosaceae         W coast 15   "   "     Bastasta vulgaris Cruciferae       Y mshs 1
16   "   "     Draba                             Ce. prrs
17   "  22     Acer [[cucinatinine?]] Aceraceae    R wds 40
18             [[Tallu?]] grandiflo [[laxifragae?]] W springs 3
19             Loncera involucrata leazerifor     Y marsh 8
20  May 2      Ribes bracteosma Dg Grasenlaccay   streams 8
21             Nasturtium palustre leruciferae   V2 marshes
22             Viola glabella Violaceae         Y    wds
23             [[Hench?]] micrantha Saxifrag    Crw   "   2
24             Pyrola uniflora? Ericaceae       W     "
25             Carex Scoerlari Cyperaccae        Cr marshes
               ?(Claytonia)                       W shores

Transcription Notes:
This is a best guess on the latin names Alnus Oregonus Amentaceae probably = Alnus Oregona amentacea There is also a problem with the numbering of his entries of plants on the second page. He gets off track somewhere along the way.