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[[column headers]] day | name | Males | females | young | sex unknown [[/column headers]]
1 | [[checkmark]] Purple Martin      |  2 |   |   |  
  | [[checkmark]] Bronzed Grackle    |  1 | 1 |   |   
  | [[checkmark]] Bluejay            |    |   |   | 1
  | [[checkmark]] Kingfisher         |    |   |   | 1
                         Total 57    | 26.| 3 | 2 | 26
Locality. Meadows along river from Doherty's to mill.
Time. 8:00 A:M - 9:30 A. M. distance less than 1/2 mile. No. of species 24. No. of families 15. Orders 7
  | [[checkmark]] Vesper Sparrow     |  6 | 1 | 1 | 
  | [[checkmark]] Song Sparrow       | 12 |   |   |   
  | [[checkmark]] Maryland Yellowthroat   4 (Males)  
  | [[checkmark]] Warbling Vireo     |  4 |   |   | 3  
  | [[checkmark]] Red-eyed Vireo     |  8 |   |   | 
  | [[checkmark]] Indigo Bunting     |  3 |   | 3 | 1
  | [[checkmark]] Yellow-throated Vireo   |    |   |   | 1
  | [[checkmark]] Mourning Dove      |    |   |   | 2
  | [[checkmark]] Barn Swallow       |    |   |   | 2
  | [[checkmark]] Bobwhite           |  3 |   |   | 
  | [[checkmark]] Chimney Swift      |    |   |   | 10 
  | [[checkmark]] Cliff Swallow      |    |   |   | 15

Transcription Notes:
See previous page.