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10  Pitcairn

11234 Kyllinga brevifolia
11235 Rubiaceae (Canthium Barbatum)
11236 Achyranthes
11238 Zebrina pendula
11239 Oplismenus hirtellus
11240 Cordyline fruticosa

The Hollow, Hills above Adamstown Pitcairn I. Coll. F.R.F. & B. Chr. VI/13/34
11241 Cyathea Cummingii

Hills above Adamstown, Pitcairn I. Coll. F.R.F. & B Chr. VI/13/34
Adamstsacchown, Pitcairn I. VI/13/34
11243 Saccharum officinate 
11244 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
11245 Nothopanax guilfoylei
11246 Prunus persica
11247 Plumeria acutifolia
11248 Vitis
11249 Gardenia
11250 Salvia splendens
11252 Punica granatum
11253 Thunbergia
11254 Alpinia
11255 Epiphyllum
11256 Terminalia
11257 Merium

Pitcairn   11
11258 Synedrella nodiflora
11259 Anona
11260 Polypodium Scolopendrium
11261 Calophyllum inophyllum
11262 Araceae (Eqyptian lily)
11263 Cassia
ll264 Crinum
[[strikethrough]] 11265 [[/strikethrough]]
Hills above Adamstown, Pitcairn I. Coll. F.R. Fosnerg & Roy Clark VI/14/34
11265 Hibiscus tiliaceus
ll266 Morinda citrifolia
11267½ Coprosma 
11267 Mephrolepis
ll168 Nephrolepis
11269 Paspalum conjugatum
11270 Davallia solida
11271 Paspalum orbiculare

St Pauls Point Pitcairn I. Coll. F.R.F. & Roy Clark VI/14/34
11272 Cardamine sarmentosa
11273 Cenchrus
11274 Celtis
11276 Bidens
11278 Procris
11279 Euphorbia pitcairnensis
11280 Umbelliferae

Ben's Place, Pitcairn I. Coll. F.R.F. & R. Clark VI/14/34
11281 Lochnera rosea
11282 Cassia
11283 Coccoloba uvifera

Transcription Notes:
googled most names for accuracy