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56 Oahu

12281 Carex Wahuensis
12282 Cyperus

Kailua Beach, Oct. 14, 1935 with V.O.F.
12283 Scirpus maritimus
12284 [[crossed out]] Scirpus [[/crossed out]] Cyperus Laevigatus L. det H. O'neill
12285 Fimbristylis Cymosa

Cooper Ranch Inn, Hauula Oct. 27, 1935
12286 Passiflora suberosa
12287 Hibiscus

Ridge s.e. Maakua Gulch, Hauula Oct. 27, 1935

12288 Selaginella Menziesii
12289 Wikstroemia
12290 Elaphoglossum
12291 Suttonia
12292 Elaphoglossum
12293 Elaphoglossum
12294 Wikstroemia
12295 Dianella
12296 Phyllanthus sandwicensis 
12297 Bidens
12298 Styphelia Tameiameiae
12299 hepatic
12300 moss

Papali Gulch s.e. Maakua gulch, Hauula, Oct 27, 1935

12301 hepatic
12302 hepatic
12303 hepatic
12304 hepatic

57  Oahu

12305 hepatic
12306 hepatic
12307 hepatic
12308 moss
12309 hepatic
12310 hepatic?
12311 hepatic?
12312 hepatic

Popoia Island, Kailua, Nov. 3, 1935
12313 Sargassum polyphyllum J.A3.
12314 [[crossed out]] Turbinaria [[/crossed out]] Sargassum
12315 Dictyota
12316 Lycium carolinianum, var. sandwicense

[[crossed out]] 18 [[/crossed out]] Nuuanu Stream, School St. Honolulu Nov. 9, 1935
12319 Dicliptera chinensis

Waikane-Schofield Trail, Waikane, Nov. 10, 1935
12320 Delissea

Waikane-Schofield Trail, Head of
Kahana Valley  Nov. 10, 1935
12321 Cyrtandra
12322 Cyrtandra
12323 Cyrtandra
12324 Phyllostegia parviflora 
12325 Sadleria
12326 Sadleria cyatheoides
12327 Bidens   with V.O.F.
12328 hepatic  with V.O.F.