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118 Oahu

[[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] Foot of Nuuanu Pali, Kailua, Apr. 26, 1937
13768 Fitchia speciosa

Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Apr. 26, 1937
69 Erigeron

Kaluanui Valley, Koolan Mts.
Apr. 25, 1937 with V.O.F.
70 Pterotropia

Kaloi Gulch, Waianae Mts. [[strikethrough]] Honouliuli[[/strikethrough]] Honouliuli
May 2, 1937
74 Dactylis glomerata L.
76 Santalum Freycinetianum

Pouilihale ridge, Waianae Mts.
Honouliuli, May 2, 1937
77 Asplenium
78 Polypodium
79 Cyperus
80 Bidens waianensis
81 Eragrostis
82 Myoporum sandwicense
83 Peperomia reflexa [[strikethrough]] var. [[/strikethrough]]
84 Festuca dertonensis
85 [[strikethrough]] ev [[/strikethrough]] Agrostis retrofracta Willd.

Oahu 119

Mauna Kapu, Honouliuli [[strikethrough]] Head of [[/strikethrough]]Manakuli divide [[strikethrough]] valley [[/strikethrough]]
Waianae Mts. May 2, 1937
13787 Coprosma longifolia
88 Sadleria cyatheoides
89 Sadleria
90 Luzula campestris (L.) DC. var. oahuensis Dogener & Fosberg
91 Eupatorium adenophorum
92 Hypochaeris
93 Cyperus
94 Linaria canadensis

[[Strikethrough]] Mauna Kapu, Waianae Mts. 
Honouliuli - Manakuli divide May 2, 1937 [[/strikethrough]]
95 Polypodium

Mauna Kapu, head of 
Nanakuli Valley, Waianae Mts. 
May 2, 1937
96 Rumex
97 Hedyotis Schlechtendahliana, ssp. cordata, var. secundiflora, f. dichotoma
98 Euphorbia
99 Carex wahuensis

Palehua, Honouliuli - Nanakuli
divide, Waianae Mts. May 2, 1937
01 Cryptomeria japonica
02 Korthalsella
03 Gouldia terminalis var. macrothyrsa
04 Dianella
05 Panicum
06 Coprosma Faurei var. oahuensis
07 Schiedea
with V.O.F.

Transcription Notes:
There were several numbered lines left blank on these two pages. Other than some hint of pencil writing on 73, nothing is visible.