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[[page]] 124 [[/page]]

13905 Boerhaavia diffusa
13906 Cyperus Trachysanthes
13907 Cyperus

Waiawa trail s.ridge of Kipapa
Gulch, Koolau Mts. May 19, 1937
[[left margin]] With S.M. Hosaka to 14002 [[/left margin]]
13908 Eurya sandwicensis
13909 Buddliea asiatica

Uncle Tom's Cabin, Peak at head of Waiawa trail, Koolau Mts.        May 30, 1937
13910 Carex
13911 Plantago
13912 Nephrolepis cordifolia
[[strikethrough]] ridge [[/strikethrough]] Main divide bet. Waianu Gulch and Kipapa Gulch, Koolau Mts. May 30, 1937
13913 Isachne pallens
13914 Labordia
13915 Tetraplasandra
13916 Bobea elatior
13917 Labordia
[[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]]
Main divide bet. [[strikethrough]] Waianu [[/strikethrough]] Uwau Gulch
and Kipapa Gulch, Koolau Mts.
May 30, 1937
13918 Panicum koolauense St. John + Hosaka
13919 Labordia
13920 Lycopodium serratum
13921 Labordia

[[page]] 125 [[/page]]


[[strikethrough]] 13923 [[/strikethrough]] 
Main divide between Waikane
Valley and Waikakalaua Gulch,
Koolau Mts. May 30, 1937
[[left margin]] d.Sherff[[/left margin]]
13922 Labordia fagraeoidea var. conferta Sherff(type coll.)
13923 Suttonia
13924 Dubautia laxa var. bryanii
13925 Straussia
13926 Eugenia sandwicensis
13927 Polypodium tamariscinum
13928 Nephrolepis cordifolia
13929 Cyperus
13930 Sadleria

Main divide at head of north
branch of Kahana Valley, Koolau Mts.
May 30, 1937
13931 Hedyotis centranthoides, v. laevis, f. glomerata
13932 Nertera
13933 Bidens
13934 Platyderma spathulatum (Gray) -> Stone f. stomei Degener
13935 [[strikethrough]] Eragrostis [[/strikethrough]]  Agrostis retrofracta
13936 Cheirodendron

Puu Pauao, head of Punaluu
Valley, Koolau Mts.  May 30, 1937
13937 Gouldia St.-Johnii
13938 Straussia
13939 Phyllostegia lantanoides hherff
13940 Dianella sandwicensis
[[Arrow down to before 13942]]
Divide bet. head of Poamoho Gulch and head of Punaluu Valley, Koolau Mts. May 30, 1937
13941 Isachne pallens 
13942 Plantago

Transcription Notes:
General Instructions: Insertions in the text---If you come across a word that has been inserted into a sentence or phrase in the original text, please bring it into the sentence and type it in the order you would read it aloud. Therefore I put entry 13941 where Fosberg intended it.