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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
820756L11 00+45.013 462 46 W+45.014 40Jun 08 1921.577
820757L13 000.014 411 41 W0.015 51Jun 08 1921.621 .620
820758L15 00+45.015 520 52 W+45.016 48Jun 08 1921.665
820759L17 000.016 490 11 E0.017 39Jun 08 1921.702
820760L19 00+45.017 401 20 E+45.018 45Jun 08 1921.742
820761L21 000.018 462 14 E0.020 28Jun 08 1921.802