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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
2020780L9 00+45.014 255 25 W+45.015 25Jun 15 1921.586
2020781L11 000.015 264 26 W0.016 32Jun 15 1921.630
2020782L13 00+45.016 333 33 W+45.017 27Jun 15 1921.673
2020783L15 000.017 282 28 W0.018 36Jun 15 1921.715
2020784L17 00+45.018 371 37 W+45.019 35Jun 15 1921.760
2020785L19 000.019 360 36 W0.020 44Jun 15 1921.804