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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
2622611L14 00+45.016 442 44 W+45.017 44Jul 20 1923.134 .588
2622612L16 00+30.017 451 45 W+30.018 45Jul 20 1923.177 .631
2622613L18 00+60.018 460 46 W+60.019 44Jul 20 1923.218 .672
2622614L20 00-20.019 450 15 E-20.020 45Jul 20 1923.260 .714
2622615L22 000.020 461 14 E0.021 46Jul 20 1923.302 .756
2622616L2 00+45.021 474 13 E+45.023 20Jul 20 1923.356 .810