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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1423025PPole+90.001 340 00+90.002 5379Jan 12 1924x 23025 Towered north end of axis. Polar Adj. Plate Tailed last 6m of exposure. .970 .511 .481
1423026L4 00+30.003 250 35 E+30.005 29124Jan 12 1924.604 .574
1423027L6 00+60.005 300 30 E+60.007 31121Jan 12 1924.689 .759
1423028L8 00-20.007 320 28 E-20.010 28176Jan 12 1924x 23028 Increasing haziness during exp. .793 .763
1423029L12 00+30.010 291 31 E+30.012 29120Jan 12 1924x 23029 Increasing haziness. At close, very hazy to 1s 10°. .896 .866

Transcription Notes:
Exp column in logbook.