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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.


PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
624883L14 00+30.018 304 30 W+30.019 3969Sep 07-08 1926.320-.317 .530
624884L18 00-20.019 401 40 W-20.020 5676Sep 07-08 1926.261 .581
624885L22 00+30.020 571 03 E+30.023 03126Sep 07-08 1926.652
624886L0 00+60.023 040 56 E+60.000 53109Sep 07-08 1926.734 .317
624887L4 000.00 543 06 E0.02 0066Sep 07-08 1926.795

Transcription Notes:
.320 - .317 are written in "remarks" header