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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1024893L16 00+30.018 412 41 W+30.019 4160Sep 10-11 1926.312 .309 .527
1024894L18 00+60.019 421 42 W+60.021 1290Sep 10-11 1926.580
1024895L20 00+15.021 131 13 W+15.023 12119Sep 10-11 1926.653
1024896L0 00+30.023 130 47 E+30.001 16123Sep 10-11 1926.737 .740
1024897L2 00+60.001 170 43 E+60.002 57100Sep 10-11 1926.815