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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
426274L3 00+45.006 203 20 W+45.007 2363Mar 06-07 1928x 26274 Held up to test small motor generator. Trouble with storage battery. Signals being run direct from small motor generator without storage battery. .525
426275L7 000.007 520 52 W0.008 5866Mar 06-07 1928.597
426276L7 00+45.008 591 59 W+45.010 0869Mar 06-07 1928.641
426277L9 00+30.010 091 09 W+30.011 2778Mar 06-07 1928x 26277 Too cldy to continue. .695