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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
2827218L10 000.011 361 36 W0.012 2953May 10-11 1929.918 .567
2827219L12 00+30.012 300 30 W+30.013 5585May 10-11 1929x 27219 Instrument run on storage battery - both small generators reversed (polarity). Tried to repair at close of this plate. Fos 27220 and later ran new motor-generator reversed, and without battery. .966 .616
2827220L16 00-20.014 571 03 E-20.017 00123May 10-11 1929.081 .735
2827221L18 000.017 010 59 E0.018 52111May 10-11 1929.162 .814