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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
427610LChart18 00+45.019 561 56 W+45.020 5660Oct 11-12 1929
427611LChart18 00+60.020 572 57 W+60.022 1780Oct 11-12 1929
427612LChart20 00+45.022 182 18 W+45.023 3476Oct 11-12 1929
427613LChart0 00+30.023 350 25 E+30.000 5883Oct 11-12 1929
427614L2 00+60.000 591 01 E+60.002 59120Oct 11-12 1929x 27614 Too cldy to continue.
427615L8 00+30.005 292 31 E+30.006 4374Oct 11-12 1929