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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1227622L18 000.020 302 30 W0.021 3868Oct 18-19 1929.293 .501
1227623L20 00+30.021 391 39 W+30.022 5778Oct 18-19 1929
1227624L22 00+60.022 580 58 W+60.000 0870Oct 18-19 1929
1227625L0 00-20.000 090 09 W-20.001 1869Oct 18-19 1929
1227626L22 00+45.001 233 23 W+45.002 3067Oct 18-19 1929
1227627LFor Orionids6 10+15.002 313 29 E+15.003 3160Oct 18-19 1929
1227628LFor Orionids6 10+15.003 322 38 E+15.004 3462Oct 18-19 1929
1227629LFor Orionids6 10+15.004 351 35 E+15.005 4166Oct 18-19 1929
1227630LFor Orionids6 10+15.005 42+15.006 4866Oct 18-19 1929