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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
628092LChart3 00+45.008 245 24 W+45.008 4319Apr 04 1930x 28092 Obs. H.A. at close 5 42 W. About 1m slow. .519
6Apr 04 1930Contacts of both clock .519 & relay (for AI, AC & RH) were removed & thoroughly cleaned this p.m. Signals failed to operate & 3 instruments are dead. Armatures are away from magnets. Contact at clock relay is open. Voltmeter just a shade under normal reading. Instrument closed for night.

Transcription Notes:
The original "start" column content contains a superscript "E" between 08 and 24. The original "stop" column content contains a superscript "E" between 08 and 43. The transcribed content of the "Miscellaneous" rows are reversed on original, and transcription on top row should be double-checked--handwriting makes "close" hard to decipher.