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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
2028509LChart16 00+30.019 183 18 W+30.020 3072Sep 23-24 1930x 28509 Plae passed over region.
2028510LChart18 00+60.020 312 31 W+60.021 3463Sep 23-24 1930
2028511LChart22 000.021 350 25 E0.023 41126Sep 23-24 1930.635 Student clock.
2028512LChart0 00+30.023 420 18 E+30.001 45123Sep 23-24 1930
2028513LChart2 00+60.001 460 14 E+60.004 20154Sep 23-24 1930