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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3228525LChart0 00+60.022 031 57 E+60.023 0259Sep 30-Oct 01 1930x Timer cap not removed at starting.
3228526LChart0 00+45.023 030 57 E+45.001 04121Sep 30-Oct 01 1930
3228527LChart2 00-20.001 070 53 E-20.003 14127Sep 30-Oct 01 1930
3228528LChart4 000.003 150 45 E0.004 59104Sep 30-Oct 01 1930
3228529LChart8 00+60.005 003 00 E+60.005 5555Sep 30-Oct 01 1930