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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3428530LChart17 00+45.020 173 17 W+45.021 2265Oct 01-02 1930Student clock.
3428531LChart19 00+30.021 232 23 W+30.022 2562Oct 01-02 1930
3428532LChart21 00+45.022 261 26 W+45.023 3266Oct 01-02 1930
3428533LChart23 00+15.023 330 33 W+15.001 16103Oct 01-02 1930
3428534LChart3 00+30.001 171 43 E+30.003 22125Oct 01-02 1930
3428535LChart5 00+15.003 231 37 E+15.005 13110Oct 01-02 1930