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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
11828737LChart21 00+30.023 132 13 W+30.000 1461Dec 13-14 1930
11828738LChart23 00+45.000 151 15 W+45.001 3277Dec 13-14 1930
11828739LChart3 000.001 331 27 E0.003 15102Dec 13-14 1930x 28739 Hazed exp., to 1s during 40m of exp.
11828740LChart5 00+30.003 161 44 E+30.004 3276Dec 13-14 1930x 28740 Too cldy to con -
11828741LChart7 00+45.005 251 35 E+45.007 31126Dec 13-14 1930x 28741 Too cldy to con -