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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
12228746LChart21 00+45.023 402 40 W+45.001 1696Dec 16-17 1930
12228747LChart1 00+15.001 170 17 W+15.002 2467Dec 16-17 1930
12228748LChart3 00-20.002 250 35 E-20.004 06101Dec 16-17 1930
12228749LChart5 000.004 070 53 E0.006 18131Dec 16-17 1930
12228750LChart7 00+30.006 190 41 E+30.008 26127Dec 16-17 1930
12228751LChart9 00+45.008 270 33 E+45.010 41134Dec 16-17 1930
12228752LChart13 000.010 422 18 E0.011 5169Dec 16-17 1930