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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
6028605LChart18 000.020 372 37 W0.021 3861Oct 20-21 1930.296 .499
6028606LChart20 00+30.021 391 39 W+30.022 4970Oct 20-21 1930
6028607LChart22 00+60.022 500 50 W+60.000 46116Oct 20-21 1930
6028608LChart2 000.000 451 15 E0.003 00135Oct 20-21 1930
6028609LChart4 00+30.003 010 59 E+30.005 01120Oct 20-21 1930
6028610LChart6 00+60.005 020 58 E+60.007 25143Oct 20-21 1930