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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
20428943LChart3 000.004 161 16 W0.005 1660Feb 14-15 1931
20428944LChart5 00+30.005 170 17 W+30.006 2366Feb 14-15 1931
20428945LChart7 00+15.006 240 36 E+15.008 05101Feb 14-15 1931
20428946LChart9 00-20.008 060 54 E-20.010 15129Feb 14-15 1931.679
20428947LChart11 000.010 160 44 E0.012 16120Feb 14-15 1931
20428948LChart13 00+30.012 170 43 E+30.014 32135Feb 14-15 1931
20428949LChart15 00+45.014 330 27 E+45.015 3663Feb 14-15 1931