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[[image: diagram of mountain range divided into numbered sections with varying cross-hatching]]
sometimes brown or bluish
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a bluff where there are fine exhibitions of slate rock in narrow layers Dip N.10' some whitish form a sort of quartz incrustation others very solid & black and others again crumbling & brittle. Further on again about nine P.M. stop at a fine bluff of nearly the same formation but intermingled with gray sandstone layers insensibly merging into the slate, and full of concretions round and oval- This is the bottom of the lower bend of the Youkon. The water here is very strong and deep but just above very shallow except close to the E side which is a long way round. Turn in and sleep while we are drifting down [Chi?] at eleven on the E side opposite some fine but low mountains a heavy, chilly mist rising wets everything through but keeps off the mosquitoes and indicates a change from the cold cloudy weather which we have had since leaving Nulato, and which has been disagreeable but cool & good for working