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________Sunday July 21, 1867________
Morning chi about 7.A.M. Wake up & find my blankets soaked with mist which is just breaking up and every promise of a fair day. Low on both sides but Mts on W side in distance 
Reach a village of Premorska where they bring us a good lot of deer meat as presents. Find a leg bone of a man in the bank about a foot below the present level & very rotten but as the Indians object to my taking it I leave it there. These Indians, except near the Ingaleets where they borrow their customs a little, and at the mission where they have been taught differently, tie their dead in the most compact shape with ramie and throw them on the river bank. If it is a very good man or a chief or head man they throw them where the crows & foxes are most plenty and they will be quickest eaten. The Mahlemuts Kaviaks &c where their customs are not affected by contact with Russians or inland tribes, do the