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[[images: three sketches of flies, the second image is labeled "Puff headed fly-"]]

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Low hills & mountains on the W side E side low as before; [[Gravel?]] banks W. Quartzose rock like granite but with out mica, in beach from hills back. Reach Yakutz Kalatinik about 2 at night, two small houses of indian style on a low bank known as Lofka adenocheke' where they cross to Ulukuk 
   Swiftly down the rolling river
     Glides our rude canoe,
   Lea, and Lake and mountain sever
     elle, my sister far from you.

   Many a forest lies between us 
     Deep and trackless wild,
   Many a day since one has seen us
     Clasped in fond embrace, clear child

   Here the sky is dark & cloudy
     Rough the rivers tide,
   Sharp the wind which whistles loudly
     Down the mountain side.
   Gentle be the breezes blowing,
     By Your summer home,
   Bright your tender flowers growing 
     Where songbirds come.